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  我们知道,托福阅读中事实信息题(Factual Information)的选项中三错一对,正确选项与段落中某处信息一致。然而小意思版TPO45  Q18这道诡异的事实信息题的正确选项所描述信息在正文中却罕见的没有体现。

Paragraph 1 supports which of the following as the reason animals are a  safer bet than wind as pollinators when the individuals trees of a species are  widely separated?

A. Animals tend to carry pollen from a given flower further than the wind  does.

B. Animals serve as pollinators even where there is little wind to disperse  the pollen.

C. An animal that visits a flower is likely deliberately visit other  flowers of the same species and pollinate them.

D. Birds and insects fly in all directions, not just the direction the wind  is blowing at a given moment.


Pollen, a powdery substance, which is produced by flowering plants and  contains male productive cells, is usually carried from plant to plant by   insects and birds, but some plants rely on the wind to carry their pollen………Wind  is very good at moving pollen a long way, pollen can be blown for hundreds of  kilometers, and only birds can get pollen anywhere near as far………in the tropics,  where each tree species has few, widely scattered individuals, the chance of wind blowing pollen to another individuals is sufficiently slim that animals are  a safer bet as transporters of pollen. Even tall trees in tropics are usually  not wind pollinated despite been in windy conditions. In a similar way, trees in  temperate forests that are insect pollinated tend to grow as solitary, widely  spread individuals.


靠题干定位词”a safer bet”可以找到红体字所在句,然而并没有什么用。选项A中对应上文非红体部分。因原文直说birds can get  pollen as far as wind,但没说insects, 可以勉强排除。继续看我们会发现B,C,D在正文中找不到对应信息。

至此本题基本无解,当然熟悉生物学常识的同学可迅速靠脑补选出正确选项C ^_^

小意思版TPO  模考软件中,即使是在TPO40-48里,答案错,正文拼写错,句子简化题题干句在文中未标出/标错,正文标点缺失等屡见不鲜。但这道题给我们“正文里缺了一整句话”的感觉,着实让人哭笑不得。

最后,牛学教育的Jeff老师再次提醒广大托福考生,   目前流传的”小意思版TPO模考软件”的TPO40-48的阅读部分有个别答案错!!!大家在做这个版本或小站版TPO(同样有答案错,   答案解释错,正文拼写/标点错等各种错)时如有疑问,可随时咨询西安牛学教育。



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