
首页 > 高分案例 > 托福学员案例2017-04-05

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Look at the four squares, ■that indicates where the following sentence  could be added to the passage.

题干:Contingencies are events that might affect what you plan to do, but  rarely are out of your control.

Even the best plans are rarely carried out without some problems. Good  managers learn to deal with problems as they come up. ■ They make decisions as  they are needed and adjust plans when necessary. Flexible plans allow for  several contingencies. ■ For example, rain is a contingency that might affect  the success of an outdoor event. ■ Trying to move indoors at the last minute  could be a disaster. ■ Therefore, your plan should include a “rain plan.”

让我们先认真阅读题干句子,不难看出此句中的关键词是contingency   而且,这个句子是对这个词汇的一个解释或定义,再仔细阅读带黑框的文章段落,会注意到在第二个黑框前面的句子中首次提到了contingencies一词,在看第二个黑框后面则是举例说明,如果把句子插在第二个方框的位置,就可以看出,这样即符合了我们所说的同义词复现原则,也符合了“第一次出现→定义→举例说明”的逻辑原则。


 题干:This irritation is caused by viruses or bacteria, exposure to tobacco  smoke, or air pollution.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs. ■ It  often appears after a cold or an upper respiratory infection that does not heal  completely. It also may accompany childhood infections such as measles, whooping  cough, and typhoid fever. ■The inflamed bronchial tubes secrete a sticky mucus  called sputum. It is difficult for the tiny hairs on the bronchi to clear out  this sputum. ■ The cough that comes with bronchitis is the body’s attempt to  eliminate it. ■ Other symptoms include discomfort or tightness in the chest, low  fever, sore throat, and sometimes wheezing. Severe cases of bronchitis may lead  to pneumonia.




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