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阿基米德(Archimedes , 公元前287年 --- 公元前212年 ),伟大的古希腊哲学家、百科式科学家、数学家、物理学家、力学家,静态力学和流体静力学的奠基人,并且享有“力学之父”的美称,阿基米德和高斯(Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss)、牛顿(Isaac Newton)并列为世界三大数学家。 阿基米德曾说过:“给我一个支点,我就能撬起整个地球。”(“Give me the place to stand, and I shall move the earth.”)


Hieron II, the King of Sicily, had ordered a new gold crown. When the crown was delivered, Hieron suspected that the crown maker had substituted silver for some of the gold, melting the silver with the remaining gold so that the color looked the same as pure gold. The King asked his chief scientist, Archimedes, to investigate.


Archimedes [ˌɑrkəˈmidiz] 阿基米德;

crown [kraʊn] n. 王冠;

suspect [ sʌspɛkt] vt. 怀疑;猜想;

investigate [ɪn'vɛstɪɡet] v. 调查;研究;

melt [ mɛlt] v. 融化,溶解;


Archimedes puzzled over the problem. The new crown was precious, and must not be damaged in any way. He went to the public baths in Syracuse to ponder the problem. The bath was full to the brim, and when he climbed in, he noticed two things: that water level rose, making some water slop over the side, and he felt weightless. He shouted “Eureka!” (I have found the answer!) and ran home stark naked.


puzzle ['pʌzl] vt. 使…困惑;

ponder the problem 思考问题;

brim [brɪm] n.边缘;v.溢出,满溢;

stark [stɑrk] adv. 完全;明显地

naked ['nekɪd] adj. 裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的


Archimedes had realized that if he lowered the crown into a bucket filled to the brim with water, it would displace some water – exactly the same amount as its own volume – and he could measure how much water spilled out. This would tell him the volume of the crown. Silver is less dense than gold, so a silver crown of the same weight would be bigger than a gold crown, and would displace more water. Therefore, an adulterated crown would displace more water than a pure gold crown—and more than a lump of gold of the same weight.


volume ['vɑljum] n. 容量;

measure ['mɛʒɚ] v. 测量;

dense [dɛns] n.密度;

adulterated [ə'dʌltə,ret] adj. 掺入次级品的;


Archimedes probably solved the puzzle by hanging the crown and an equal weight of pure gold on opposite ends of a stick, which he then suspended by its center so that the two weights balanced. Then he lowered the whole thing into a bath of water. If the crown was pure gold, it and the lump of gold would experience an equal upthrust, and the stick would stay horizontal. If the crown contained some silver, however, the volume of the crown would be greater than the volume of the lump of gold—the crown would displace more water, and the stick would tilt sharply.


puzzle ['pʌzl] n. 难题;谜;

suspend [sə'spend] v. 悬浮;暂停;

lump [lʌmp] n. 块; 团;

upthrust ['ʌpθrʌst] n. 上推;

horizontal [ˌhɔːrə'zɑːntl] adj. 水平的;

displace [dɪs'pleɪs] v.替换;

tilt [tɪlt] v.倾斜;


Archimedes’ idea became known as Archimedes’ principle, which states that the upthrust on an object in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid the object displaces.


fluid ['fluːɪd] n. 液体;







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