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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart正如他的名字Amadeus一样,莫扎特是一个被上帝钟爱的人。自小便被发掘了不凡的音乐天赋,8岁谱写了第一首交响曲,作品至今都被颂为经典。当时的人们称他为The Divine Mozart:神童莫扎特。下面我们重点关注一下他的三部经典作品和相关重点托福听力词汇。

Symphony No. 40 in G minor的创作可谓是一次大胆的创新和突破。

With wide leaps in the tunes, and brisk rhythms in the strings, both symphonies are part of Mozart’s Sturm und Drang (storm and stress) music. Moving forward to Symphony No. 40, Mozart breaks boundaries once more – a symphony would normally end on a more positive note, in a major key, but No. 40 ends in G minor. It’s passionate and violent, and tragically beautiful.

wide leaps in the tunes:在曲调间的大跳跃

brisk rhythms in the strings:琴弦上轻快的节奏

passionate and violent:奔放而又激烈

tragically beautiful:悲壮而又优美

Symphony No. 38 (‘Prague’) in D major略显忧郁。虽然维也纳人民并不特别欣赏但此曲在布拉格还是大受欢迎的。

Tense and mournful in places, wistful and beautiful in others, Mozart shows us once and for all that his music is capable of a wide range of emotions. It might sound relaxing now, but the Viennese audience of 1786 found it just that little bit too stressful, and sometimes scorned his music.

Tense and mournful:紧张而忧伤

wistful and beautiful:优美而怅惘



Symphony No. 41 (‘Jupiter’) in C major正如他的一生,跌宕起伏,令人回味。

The majestic C major blaze of the ‘Jupiter’ symphony takes the best features of Mozart’s style and fits them all together in a fantastic five-movement musical jigsaw. It’s a fantastic conclusion to Mozart’s symphonies; perhaps he knew it would be his last.





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