
首页 > 雅思IELTS > 雅思口语2019-10-25

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Main pointsMy name  carries the best wishes and deepest  from my parents. They wish me to be healthy/safe/secured ; prosperous/flourishing; intelligent; beautiful/pretty; lucky/fortunate; successful. (superstition)I can feel their expectation on me whenever my name is called.Why are some Chinese names very similar to each other?There are three main reasons for this phenomenon .First of all, there is a huge population in China. Besides, the wishes of the Chinese parents are quite similar to each other. Finally,the Chinese words,which stand for good or lucky meanings, are very limited. That’s why they are very similar or even the same to each other.


Main pointsHow do you like your subject/major/job?   Dislike other ones?I ℒℴѵℯ /like/ be fond of /be keen on/ be crazy about…because…I couldn’t live without it. It’s the best choice I have ever made. It’s my ideal major. I wish I can be an expert in this field.… is my cup of tea/ favoriteI couldn’t be immune to …I couldn’t think of any other subject that fits me better.…is my headache /nightmare, because ……is the last subject /major/job I’d like to choose in the world.I can’t stand/ bear/ tolerate…I’m fed up with/ tired of…I can’t think of any other …worse than thisEvery time I … , I feel as if I were  …


exquisite;dedicate (精致的) bland(清淡的);bitter(苦的)wholesome(养生的)dimson Meats: beef;pork;fish;muttonVegetables: cabbage;eggplant;cucumberSeasoning: chili pepper;black pepper; chili oil; soy sauce;oyster sauce;vinegar)Fresh/ alive Seafood: lobster; shells’;oysters; crab ; shrimpCooking methods: Well-done;rare;medium;Stir-fried ;steamed ;quick-fired(爆炒) ;pan-fried(煎) deep-fried(炸)

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