
首页 > 雅思IELTS > 雅思口语2019-10-11

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1.Do you like to take pictures or take pictures of you?

I prefer taking pictures. I love the feeling when I use my camera to capture amazing moments and record unforgettable experiences.Although I don’t mean that I hate having pictures taken on me or something, it is just that I am camera-shy.

2. What is the importance of taking pictures?

I know it might sound cliché, but taking pictures is a good way to keep memories.With different photos, people can show off where they have been to, what experiences they have had in front of their relatives and friends. You know, people grow and change as time flies. Photos can capture moments, record experiences and remind people of their memories before.

3. Do you prefer to write letters or E-mails?

I prefer E-mails. E-mails are very convenient and super fast.All it takes is just to type some words and click the “send” key. And the E-mail will be sent to someone’s mail-box in no time.

4. Do you think some people are still addicted to writing letters?

Yes, I think so. As the saying goes, “Everything exists for a reason.”Letters do have their own irreplaceable strong point.Letters are all written by people and they have great sentimental value. Let me put it this way,people always clear their mailboxes or delete the incoming call records of their cell phone. However, we seldom see people tear up the letters that they received.

5. Do you love pets?

Absolutely! They are so adorable and reliable. If your pet has been with you for a long time, you will find that they can understand you. I guess if you have a pet, you will understand what I am saying and feel the same way as well.

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