考官:What’s your favourite hairstyle?
我的内心:Have you ever heard of 葬爱家族?
考官:How often do you have your hair cut?
我的内心:I thought I was going to do it very often but ...
考官:How much do you usually spend on your haircut?
我的内心:Oh I never cut back on my vanity project ...
考官:Do you often change your haircut?
我的内心:Yes. Sometimes I just want to be bold ...
我 不 是 !!!我是一个有尊严的8分选手!就算题目再奇葩!就算场面再尴尬!我也要有8分的气势!
考官:What’s your favourite hairstyle?
我:(装没听见)My favourite what now?你说啥?
我:(卖萌)Okay. Didn’t see that one coming.好的吧。没想到您还会问这个问题吼吼吼吼(杠铃般的笑声)
我:Well I guess my favourite is mycurrent one, which, according to my barber, is called the Classic Elvis Roll.Basically I just comb up the front and use some hair spray to fix it backwards.And the barber leaves some low fade on the sides, so that it looks rather neat and old-fashioned.
欲 言 又 止
我马上补充道:But I didn’t get to finish my look this morning, ‘cause it takes forever and I didn’t dare to be late for this test.但是我今早就很匆匆忙忙嘛,没时间做发型,口语考试不敢迟到嘛。(敲了敲自己的手表然后发现自己没有带手表,尴尬.jpg)
考官:How often do you have your hair cut?
我:Every 3 weeks, at least. I think it’s because my hair grows exceptionally fast, and if I don’t go to the barber’s as often, it would be too thick for me to do the style and the sides will just go crazy and completely out of shape, making me look like a homeless person!
我马上补充道:And that’s why sometimes I wanna be completely bald, which saves all the trouble!所以啊!我就很想剃光啊!再也没有三千烦恼丝啦!
只见考官的身体僵硬了一下,缓慢地抬起头,充满杀气的眼神中燃烧着火焰,狠狠地从牙缝中挤出下一个恶毒的问题:How much do you usually spend on your haircut?
紧张的我:Not too much. I don’t think it’s sensible to get my hair done at an unreasonable price. So 200 is the maximum amount I’m willing to pay. But there are also exceptions when I decided to dye it on a whim. That would cost a lot more than a simple hair do and I usually regret it immediately.
考官面带假惺惺的微笑:Do you often change your haircut?
Not really. It actually took me quite a while to finally find my look. I have had this hairstyle for 2 years and people actually dig it, saying that I give out a Californian-realtor-who-just-started-his-career kind of vibe. Also switching to another hair do takes a lot of courage and effort which I think should be put into my studies right now.
考官心满意足的坐定,淡淡地说道:Let’s move on to the next topic. Let’s talk about islands ...