雅思Part1口语范文和解题思路分析:忙碌 busy

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雅思Part1口语范文和解题思路分析:忙碌 busy为大家带来一个描述自己观点的题目。他和我们以往遇到的part1中要求对实物或者事件,人物进行描述的题目不同,这个题目通篇都要求我们阐述自己的观点,所以我们需要知道在英语中,怎样有条理地对观点进行阐述。





1. Do you prefer to be busy?

Yes. I love to be busy and I enjoy the fast pace of life. It's interesting that the busier I am, the more efficient and creative I will get. I feel that following a tight schedule can keep me very productive. I don't want to idle away my precious youth

No, I don't. I prefer to live a relaxed life. You see, life is short, why make it even busier? After all there's something I can't finish, I'd rather slow down and concentrate on those things I can do well, as it's said "carpe diem". What's more, quality is more valuable that quantity isn't it?

1. 你喜欢忙吗?



2. Are you busy recently?

Yes, I have to say that I've never been busier.I'm an undergraduate with endless assignments to do; meanwhile I have been busy polishing up my English as preparation for IELTS. And all of these have kept my hands full.

2. 你最近忙吗?


3. Would you be busier in the future?

I'm afraid yes. I've been constantly told that to study abroad would definitely bring more pressure and once I graduate I would have to take care of my own life. As I grow up, I will shoulder more responsibilities for myself, my family and even the society. Actually I've been preparing for that.



以上就是雅思Part1口语范文和解题思路分析:忙碌 busy相关内容。我们可以看出这个题目并不是一个描述实物或者事件等的题目,这个题目是描述自己观点的题目,这要求我们对于一些表述观点的词语和短语要熟悉。




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