
首页 > 雅思IELTS > 雅思口语2018-11-06

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Describe a small company in your hometown that you think is successful.

You should say:

What the company is;

What this company produces;

How you know about this company;

And explain why you think this company is successful.

Right then, I’m going to describe a small company in my hometown which I think is successful. Well firstly, I should admit that I’m not really familiar with that many small companies in my hometown, but one that I do know a little bit about and which I believe to be quite successful is my neighbour’s company.


And as for what it produces, well, if I’m not mistaken, his company mainly just focuses on women’s clothing, such as dresses, cardigans and things like that. I actually asked my neighbour if he had ever considered making men’s clothes too, as I would be interested in buying some, but unfortunately he said that for the time being, they are just gonna stick with women’s clothes, because that’s what they're most experienced in.


Anyway, with regard to how I got to know about this company, well, as I mentioned earlier, it’s run by my neighbour, and I seem to remember him telling me about it not long after we first met, which must have been about two or three years ago by now. Since then, I’ve had the pleasure of visiting the office a few times and meeting some of the employees, one of the reasons being that they’ve got a pool table there, and my neighbour often invites me over to have a few games of pool during his lunch break!


So, finally then, regarding why I think the company is successful, well, in a nutshell, I would say it’s basically because the company has managed to grow from 2 staff to over 50 in the space of only about 3 years, which I think's pretty staggering. And another thing to mention would be that, if I remember correctly, most of his business comes from return customers, which I think shows that the company has been able to maintain high quality and keep their customers happy.


So I guess that’s pretty much everything!





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