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19年1-4月雅思口语题库Part1新题之居住之地为你带来2019年1月雅思口语新题——part1的居住之地The area you live in。在part1当中,关于地点描述类的题较多,这次的居住之地也与之前的题:故乡,有魅力的城市,旅游去过的城市等有异曲同工之处。我们可以参照下文的思路和范文进行资料收集。


The area you live in

Do you like the area that you live in?

What are some changes in the area recently?

Do you know any famous people in your area?

Where do you like to go in that area?







I was born in a beautiful urban area called (...say the name of the place where you were born and spent your childhood...) and spent my childhood as well as adolescence there. This is a small urban area in the north part of the country. After I finished my college education, I moved to the capital city of the country for the university education. I am no longer living in my hometown but I often go there to visit my parents and other family members who still live there.


The place where I grew up is a beautiful urban area and is really a nice place to live in. It is situated beside a river and there are lots of open spaces, corn fields, paddy fields there. The green environment, comfortable weather, fresh air, scenic beauty and the simple life of people make it an ideal place. The modern facilities like internet, satellite connection, theatre, library etc are present there and yet one can stay close to nature there. The area is pollution-free, quiet and has some renowned educational institutes.


In a broader view, this urban area has not changed that much compared to the time I lived there but of course, some changes have occurred over the period. Many high rising buildings can be seen nowadays including some factories and industries.


Farming was the main occupation of people which is no longer true and people now have diverse occupations. The numbers of fields and open spaces have gone down. People are widely accepting the modern technology and businesses have expanded. The motorised transportations have replaced the manual ways of travelling. The lifestyle and fashions among the teenage generation seem very different than they used to be and the educational infrastructure and facilities have improved significantly than the time I had been there.






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