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2018年4月14日的雅思真题回忆已出,让各位考鸭们久等了。据说本场雅思听力开头两道是旧题,难度不大,但到了后面两个section难度直线飙升,Section 3两位对话快得感觉像是rap?还是要多加倍语速听力训练。

雅思听力Section 1

1-5 completion


1 The best watch time is the end of the months

2 The Poppy Mountain was covered with colourness of orange

3 was located at the South/East the of island

4 This park is a state park (not a national one)

5 Bring your trousers to protect snakes

6-10 table completion

罂粟花山的最佳观赏时间是每个月月底(at the end of months)。那时候,整个罂粟花山覆盖着橙色(colourness of orange);罂粟花山位于岛屿的东部(East of the island)。岛上的公园是州(state)立公园。在岛上,游客需要携带裤子(trousers)防止蛇攻击。听力真题内容概述:

基本的旅游项目包括在博物馆中心(museum centre)观测点俯瞰罂粟花山。观察野生动物的时间是上午(5:30)至下午(1:00),需要携带照相机(zoom lens)。

雅思听力Section 2

11-15 matching

Choirs are discussing their achievement and characteristics

11 made some special music—C(classical music)

12 organized some social events.—A(new friends through music)

13 won some musical prize—B

14 recorded a CD recently.—C

15 did some charity——A help disable persons

16-20 Choose a correct letter A, B or C

16 why they built the dinging club? Because A

A(have a rest/break after the work) it can help them escape from stress in work

B improve their singing ability

C make a business contract

17 how many present members are in the choir? C

A 9 B 12 C19

18 when did the choir make music

A Before work B at lunch time C after work

19 what are they making a living? Company to encourage

A by selling performance clothes

B by functioning some commercial music

C by paying for professional singing classes

20 what about the Effect of choir club:

A it can improve relationship among employees co-workers

B for business C for a committed


C制作的是古典音乐,A组织了社会活动,B获得音乐奖项,C刚刚录制了一张CD 参与了慈善活动。歌唱俱乐部的组件衣衣在于帮助人们逃离工作中的压力烦恼(A)。合唱团现有(19)名成员。题目通常在中午时分(at lunch time)制作音乐。合唱团还会出上演音乐以此谋生(B)。合唱俱乐部可以增进成员情感(A)。

雅思听力Section 3

21-26 multiple choices

21 the research report was based on:

Recording equipments in each room

22 Ben 绝度会不太妥是因为

A Without the child’s permission

B 认为家长对孩子Simple conversation

23 Ben 为什么有个什么疑惑

A 是孩子太小不能record B是全世界都这样

C parents’ simplified language is 对孩子成长没有长远影响

24 女的问什么学习法语的方法

B是他认为这样可以练语法grammar C日常用到的口头表达 oral expression

25 难度为什么喜欢learn by role play dialogue 学外语

C because Ben is confident, 不怕跟外国人交流

27-28 M问这两个人用什么方法调查project,

29-30)男生在数据分析data collect 的时候有什么困难。五选二 CE

A missed appointment. B broken facilities C technical errors

D the date cannot be used E interruption

雅思听力Section 4 新题

听力话题有关rural 和城市的比较













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