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Section One



内容概述: 租工作室

1.         Address: Tythe

2.         Artist type: fashion designer

3.         Larger studio: the first floor

4.         price: 150

5.         starting date: 1 January

6.         facilities: cafe

7.         There is no phone.

8.         Minimum duration of rent:  3 months

9.         Send a letter with a photo.

10.     Car park: near a station


Section Two

场景:独白 Fitness center介绍

题型:6配对+ 4多选(两道5选2)


11-14  多选题

11 & 12 关于child daycare的两个事

答案:A & C (more space 和 special classes)

13 & 14  关于fitness center的两件事

答案:A & D ()

15-20  配对题  对不同网球运动员的描述:

15. G (retired)

16. A (favored by fans)

17. H (won more than once in his town)

18. C(injured)

19. D (married a female champion)

20. B(helped children)



Section Three


题型:6单选 + 4配对


21-26 选择题

21.   How do Tim feel about his translator work?

A.     no mistake will be noticed   B. worried at speaking to a group       C. proud for the responsibility

22.   most impressive about the work

B. attention to details  

23.   how to avoid the problem?

A.     director appeared earlier     B. actors C. put the set earlier

24.   What surprised the girl most?

A XX           B the time she did not need

25.  about the subtitle

A. too small  C. not accurate

26.  they disappointed about

B. not many people

27-30 配对题  对阅读材料的评价

27.   F (very practical)

28.   C (too long)

29.   D (too expensive)

30.   B (quite controversial)


Section Four



内容概述: Gardens in hospital

31-40 completion

31. recover from infection

32. recover better with a view of nature than a view of wall

33. Hospital is a source of stress

34. 对身体的电子功能好,特别是heart

35. 对immune system 有好处

36. research methods include interview

37. a garden with a fountain is very popular

38. garden needs easily moved furniture

39. attracts birds

40. old people want to feel a part of society



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