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2018年3月3日场的雅思写作小作文题为饼状图,题目为:The following charts illustrate the information about players of electronic games in South Korea in 2003.Write a passage about the charts.下面的图表说明了2003年韩国电子游戏玩家的信息。写一篇关于图表的文章。大作文为社会类话题,题目为:In most countries, prison is the most common solution for the problem of crime. However, the more effective solution is to provide people with better education so that they do not become criminals.To what extent do you agree or disagree.在大多数国家,监狱是犯罪问题最常见的解决办法。然而,更有效的解决办法是为人们提供更好的教育,使他们不至于成为罪犯。在多大程度上你同意或不同意。


The three pie charts indicate significant disparities in the proportion of players in terms of age and gender and they also compare sales from a range of electronic games in South Korea in 2003.这三张饼图表明,在年龄和性别方面,参与者的比例存在显著差异,而且他们还比较了2003年韩国一系列电子游戏的销售情况。

It is evidently shown that the vast majority of players(77%) were under 35 years old, with those less than 18 years old and between 18 and 35 almost equally represented, constituting 38% and 39% respectively while less than a quarter of players were over 36 years old. Also striking to note is that males who occupied nearly three quarters tremendously outnumbered females with nearly 28%, roughly one third of their male counterparts.



It has become an international norm to send criminals into prison in order to deal with the rising crime rate which appears to become an increasingly concerning issue in contemporary society. However, others claim that education might be a better means to prevent people from degenerating into law violators and I personally agree almost entirely with this statement.


There is no denying that prison serves as a deterring approach for potential offenders and can help to rehabilitate them. Many inmates have the opportunity to study while they are doing time, contributing to the fact that many never re-offend when they are released.


However, life in jail is far too comfortable for prisoners especially for those homeless or unemployed. For example, many inmates have access to not only the bare necessities of life but also luxuries such as televisions, computers and sports facilities and so on. In other words, spending time behind the bar is more like being in a holiday camp. There is considerable evidence suggesting that in Japan, seniors aged over 70 years old would deliberately steal something in a supermarket in order to go to jail where they can be sheltered from poverty and loneliness.


Another drawback of serving a sentence is that a large number of prisoners are not actually a danger to society, exemplified by shoplifters who are often locked up in the same cells as murders, rapists and violent criminals, thus in such a circumstance, bullying might occur among culprits. What is worse is that petty criminals may even learn how to commit more serious crimes when they are inside. By contrast, education plays a more significant role in that many people perpetrated crimes because they had little knowledge about the law and lacked basic survival skills. Therefore, what is more urgent for them is to enhance their legal awareness and practical skills such as driving, cooking and repairing machines.


In conclusion, although it is a common belief that prison is the best way to punish criminals, I believe it is not appropriate for everyone and it is not necessary in the majority of cases. Personally, of crucial importance is teaching them about survival skills and law-abiding consciousness, which can be achieved by education.(字数 369 words)






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